Wow!  A new website to play with!  I’m super excited and hope you love it!  It’s been a few months in the works and we had originally planned to go live back in March.  Looking back now, I have no idea what I was thinking!  We had an expo and a trip to China planned for that month, launching a new website was a pipe dream! lol

I think I’m most excited about this blog feature!  I’m really looking forward to sharing things with you all here and hearing what you think along the way.  If you have any burning desires of things you would like to hear about from us, let us know and we will check it out and you never know, we might just dedicate a piece to you <3

As this is a complete rebuild of our site, there may be a few little glitches as we get used to the new way things work.  Please bare with us and we would love if you let us know if you find anything funny or out of place.  We’d also love to hear what you think of the site – good and bad!  Everything you tell us helps us to build a better site for you 🙂

Rightio, it’s nearly 11pm, I’m still at the shop and our stool really isn’t the most comfortable lol so I’m off home now to get some shut eye and make sure I look stunning for our very first Skype workshop tomorrow afternoon.

Lots of love from Vashti and the Nesties <3