Wow! What a month July was! The Australian Nappy Association Cloth Nappy Awards ran all month and it was great to see some amazing brands from both here in Australia and also overseas to vote for!
Nest Nappies was super proud to be a Gold Sponsor and to have been nominated for Best Customer Service in the Awards. While we didn’t quite make a place, I’m super happy for our friends at Bubblebubs, Baby Bare and Designer Bums. I know that Vicki, Jenny and Carla are absolutely over the moon with their wins!
The Winners!
So, who were the winners I hear you ask? Well, Nest Nappies is super proud to be stockists of nearly all of the winners!
You can view the full list of winners over on the Cloth Nappy Reviews Site.
The ANA is in the process of contacting everyone who entered in the amazing prize pool of over $6,000! I’m really looking forward to sending off an amazing starter pack as part of one of the prizes. Will it be you?
If you want to see any of the winning products, why not drop into our gorgeous Paddington shop and have a play with them in person!
The next big event planned from the ANA is the Cloth Shot A Day. It is going to be a great opportunity to show off your fluff and I have seen some amazing things happening in the background for this event. Can not wait to start snapping some gorgeous pics. Just wish Mr 3yo would be more accommodating with bum shots! Oh well, guess you guys will just have to put up with my quirky take on all the key words! lol