Lots of people travel home for the holidays. This time when you travel home you are taking a new addition to the family that everyone will want to see, hold, cuddle. But how do you cloth nappy when you’re at someone else’s house? Vashti and Vicki give you some insight to living at someone else’s house with a baby or toddler for an extended period.

Transcript: How to survive christmas and the holidays away from home with your baby using cloth nappies.

Andrew: How are you Vicki?

Vicki: I was good, having a nice little chat with Vashti and then you interrupted and said we will start now, and I’m not happy.

Andrew: But the listeners at home want to hear what you’re talking about.

Vicki: We’re talking about laser treatments and Christmas presents and many things.

Vashti: And Groupon, because you can get them cheap.

Vicki: Yeah Groupon, that was it.

Andrew: How are you doing, Vashti?

Vashti: I’m going good thanks Andrew.

Andrew: So for those of you who are keeping score at home, that means that Vashti is still two hellos ahead of Vicki.

Vashti: [inaudible, laughing 00:43]() …counted.

Andrew: People are counting. So Vicki is now just two hellos behind and I should have, I’m out to catch her up.

Vicki: See, I told you, I knew, I knew it. I knew I was being unfairly discriminated against. 

Andrew: I’ve done in two.

Vashti: You’ve been hello’d this weekend?

Andrew: That’s right.

Vicki: Yes, yes.

Andrew: It’s funny. I’ve actually even added a section to the database.

Vashti: I love it, I love it.

Andrew: So…

Vashti: So we’re five minutes into the podcast and nobody knows what the hell we will talk about.

Vicki: No, I wonder what it is today?

Andrew: Actually, what I want to do is thank all the people for listening. We had another huge jump in listeners. Like our listeners again for November jumped 30% again. And that’s like, we’re so humbled because you guys are finding this so full of information you need, and we do our best to make sure that the information you need is here. But if we’re not covering a subject you want covered, send us an email, we’ll cover it for you. I also want to particularly thank all those people listening to us with their Apple T.V.

Vicki: Really?

Andrew: Yes, it’s watch television or listen to Nappy Leaks. And we’re so happy you’re choosing to listen to Nappy Leaks. 

Vashti: Would Apple T.V. be considered a home pod?  Because I notice that I can now stream my stuff to the home pod.

Andrew: No, it means that the Apple T.V. is the device. The Apple T.V. could still stream to the home pod, but it’s still counted as an Apple T.V. play. 

Vashti: Oh, there you go. Maybe that was me playing. Because actually I listened to the podcast. I was, I think June’s one. I listened to it, and I’m like oh, OK, now I remember. 

Andrew: It’s kind of funny when you listen to it six months later, isn’t it?

Vashti: Yeah, because it’s not like I listen to it at all. Afterwards.

Andrew: No, that’s right. And a particular hello to those few people listening to the podcast with their iPod.

Vicki: Really?

Vashti: That’s a little old school.

Andrew: People still do that. That’s how podcasts started. Podcasts started on iPod and there’s people still listing to it.

Vicki: And I say good on you for hanging on to them and still using the tech.

Vashti: Well we’ve still got an old shuffle that Brent uses when he’s mowing the lawn. He’s got it loaded up with all his stuff and he clips it on to the top of his shirt and puts his headphone in and mows the lawn.

Andrew: I’ve got an iPod too, that my Dad handed me down.

Vicki: Well we’ve got no lawn.

Vashti: [gasps]()

Vicki: So we don’t…

Vashti: You’ve got a big hole.

Vicki: We have got a big hole. Did you see all the cement out there? We’ve cemented our entire front yard. With a big hole in it. So we don’t have to mow the lawn anymore. Well, out the front anyway.

Andrew: And a quick little hello, this episode is brought to you by nobody because we’re not sell-outs yet. Just so you know. So again, thank you for listening. So on to today’s subject. 

Vashti: We are five minutes in now, aren’t we?

Andrew: Well, three and a half minutes. But when I take out all the silent pauses, it will probably be two minutes. 

Vicki: Go, go.

Andrew: How to survive Christmas and the holidays visiting people. So you’re going over to say in laws or…

Vashti: [indistinct noise]() How do you survive the in laws? I don’t think there’s enough time to do that.

Vicki: You don’t go, that’s you survive them. 

Vashti: Have you got good in laws? [silence]() Have you got good in laws, Andrew?

Andrew: That’s just a loaded question. I refuse to answer that, based on, well you’ve got good in laws. 

Vashti: She’s got good in laws, do you have good in laws?

Andrew: Your in laws helped us build…

Vashti: No, you’re in laws.

Andrew: Oh, my in laws? 

Vicki: My sister is your in law. 

Vashti: Your family are here in laws.

Vicki: Afterwards I’ll show you how family trees work.

Andrew: Oh, OK.

Vashti: No, my in-laws are OK, we don’t see them a lot because they’re in Newcastle. And we’re in Brisbane.

Vicki: I don’t see Andrew’s brothers much, unfortunately. But Christmas time is when everybody gets together. Everyone tries. You know what? Everyone makes more of an effort for a funeral. Unfortunately. But I know within our family we try to make as much of an effort around Christmas. We see everybody. Because everyone’s pretty much in South East Queensland. 

Andrew: So if you’re staying with some in laws for two days and there are no changing facilities, how would you guys handle that?

Vashti: Change on the floor, mostly.

Vicki: Beds and floors.

Andrew: Beds and floors.

Vicki: I’ll pull a change mat out, just in case any spillage.

Vashti: A muslin flat works well as a change mat. 

Vicki: Yeah, true.

Vashti: A towel, anything. You grab something. Don’t go changing a number three on your mother in laws’ beautiful cream…

Vicki: No, hand crocheted by her grandmother.

Vashti: Or the plush cream carpet…

Vicki: And don’t use doilies as wipes.

Andrew: Could you imagine? Yeah, but they’d have lots of gripping.

Vashti: They’ve also got holes.

Vicki: It could be a nice, tight-knit doily. I’ve seen tight-knit ones.

Andrew: What about, so you wouldn’t change…

Vashti: Actually on a side note, if you can crochet, some of the best wipes I’ve ever seen are crocheted squares. That are actually nice and…

Vicki: Just a nice cotton knit.

Vashti: I don’t crochet, so I don’t know what the stitch is. But it’s just a cotton…

Vicki: You knit some. Just your standard, Mum and I knitted a heap of a little cotton…

Vashti: But don’t make them out of wool, make them out of cotton. Make sure you make them out of cotton and you can make yourself some wipes if you’re pregnant and bored. Which was completely off topic, What were you saying?

Andrew: So you’re saying don’t change on the dining room table? Where you will have Christmas dinner?

Vicki: I suppose you could, but…

Vashti: You could, but it’s like changing…

Vicki: Would you change on your own kitchen table? 

Vashti: It’s like changing a baby on the table when you’re at a restaurant.

Vicki: In the food court.

Vashti: Yeah, in a food court.

Vicki: It’s gross.

Vashti: Have respect for other people too. And especially people who don’t, who have never had children, seem to have this fantasy of what it’s like to have children. I was there. My kids will never have McDonald, I will make all of their food. They will never have a barney.

Vicki: Do you know what Abbi said yesterday in our pretend pool party? Our pool, we’re building a pool and we don’t have water in it yet because we only just put the fence up yesterday. Anyway, so we’re sitting in there pretending to splash and Abbi said, do you know what? When I have kids, they will not have devices until they’re 14. Then it changed to 10. And I said, Honey, by the time that kid can press that peek-a-boo barn and go mama, your kid will have a device. For sure.

Andrew: Just for listeners at home, that mama that Vicki made, that will be my new ring tone. Or my SMS code, I’m not sure.

Vicki: Would you like me to do it again? 

Andrew: No, I’ve got it. I can see the wave format. So what about sleeping arrangements? 

Vashti: I suppose that depends on the age of your child. I know when we visited my in laws, well no, when we were moving back from Victoria, so back to Brisbane, we stayed at my mother in laws’ over Christmas, and she had one of those bunk bed type things that had a single bed up the top and a double bed down the bottom. And even though she’d set up both the spare rooms, we decided that we’d all stay in that room. And we put Braith on the top bunk, and he was just over two. And we made sure he knew how to climb up and down, and Mikayla slept in the bottom bunk, in between Brent and myself. She was six months old. So if that’s a workable option, then you can do that.

Andrew: So the bottom bunk was a double bunk.

Vashti: Yeah, yeah. But we’ve taken petticoats with us. No, we had a petticoat there. And that period, we ended up staying with my Mum for almost six weeks until we found a house back in Brisbane that we could move into. So there was all four of us in one room in a queen bed and a single bed. We had the petticoat, but we didn’t end up using it because Mikayla hated it. 

Vicki: Actually, a similar thing. I don’t know whether petticoats have changed, but…

Andrew: Did we have a petticoat?

Vicki: Yeah, we did. And the kids, none of them liked it. and I think when you’re out of your own environment, you’ve got to change your expectations. You can’t have the same expectations of your child. The sleeping and all of that stuff. So I actually your baby sleeping in between the two of you or sleeping with one parent is going to at least get you some sleep. I would surmise unless you’ve got a baby that really sleeps anywhere. But there always seem to be that, I don’t even know how to explain it. 

Vashti: It’s very, it’s overwhelming for a small person. They’re used to this nice, peaceful environment with all of their things.

Vicki: And a routine. Not forgetting the routine. 

Vashti: And then suddenly they’re in a strange environment with strange people, and they’re being passed from person to person. It’s very, very overwhelming. It’s a lot of sensory overload for a small child.

Vicki: So then getting them down from that can take time. So that’s why when you’re out. I wish we knew this stuff with my first kid. Honestly, there is so much you learn along the say. So if usually you’re rocking your child for say ten minutes to get them to sleep, if that’s what you do, in an environment like that, where they’re super, super stimulated, it can take an hour, an hour and a half. I think having that expectation or slowing down the no, we will not pass the baby around anymore, we start that sleepy routine a lot earlier. You will be less stressed, because when your baby takes three times as long to get to sleep when you’re out and about, it’s like, well you’re missing out and you’re thinking the mother-in-law is judging you, thinking you’re a crappy mother, can’t even get the baby to sleep. Mother in laws do that. Mine does it. Your mum’s good. I don’t think she really cared.

Andrew: Back then.

Vicki: Back then she was superb. And that thing. And not just that, you’re wanting to get back to…

Vashti: Yeah, you want to be involved.

Vicki: …social and have a drink. And all that stuff.

Andrew: I remember one time when we stayed with my mother with Gabriel, both of you bathed him together. 

Vicki: It’s your memory, not mine, because I can’t.

Andrew: Well she liked to be involved in looking after Gabriel. So that was good.

Vicki: I don’t even remember ever staying at her place with Gabriel. 

Andrew: I remember bathing him upstairs. 

Vicki: There you go.

Andrew: My Mum hasn’t moved for 20 years.

Vicki: Something like that.

Vashti: See my mother-in-law has lived in the same house since before Brent was born.

Andrew: Has your mother upgraded the kitchen?

Vashti: My mother-in-law or my mother?

Andrew: Your mother. Has she upgraded the kitchen?

Vashti: My mother has done the kitchen since she moved into her house. My mother-in-law, no. It’s the same kitchen.

Andrew: Neither  has my mother.

Vicki: See it’s that age where they don’t. I’m talking about your mother here. My mother-in-law…

Andrew: Your mother moves house every year.

Vicki: She does. She’s never moving again until she dies, she said. She just moved last weekend, and yeah, she’s done. She’s absolutely done. But this furniture from when you were a kid still in the house. And the one thing that really upsets me is her kitchen needs upgrading as does her bathroom. And you know, she’s got the money there. She doesn’t want to spend it. And she loves to cook. And I’m like, please don’t keep your money for us. You know what I mean? Just do something for yourself. You’ve worked your entire, you’ve raised your kids and worked your whole life. You’re not spending the money, enjoying it. Why are we talking about kitchens? I don’t even know why we’re talking about kitchens.

Vashti: It started with changing the baby on the kitchen table. 

Vicki: Yes, OK.

Andrew: Let me change the subject. Back to the subject we’re supposed to be on. What about for the washing machine? You’re staying there for a few days, wash nappies, what will happen? Is your mother-in-law going to say to you no, you can’t put those poppy nappies in my washing machine?

Vashti: Well I think really comes down to talking with the relatives. Or whoever you’re staying with. The friends, the relatives, the in laws, whoever they are. Having a talk to them beforehand and saying listen…

Vicki: We will have to do washing.

Vashti: We will have to do washing while we’re there, we are cloth happy users. What are your wash facilities? Do you have any objections to us using your washing machine? I know the first time we went to my mother in laws with Mikayla; we had no choice. She was allergic to disposables, so we had to use cloth. And my mother-in-law had always been particular about her washing machine. She had an old twin tub; she liked no one else touches it. And she goes no, it’s fine, I’ll wash your nappies. And I said no, Narelle, I’ll wash them, you need to show me how to use your washing machine. And you know, she’s like, but is there poo in them? No, no, we’ll get all the poo out, don’t stress, we’ll scrub it all out. And we did, we scrubbed it all out before we put them in the machine. Mikayla was still 100% breastfed at that stage. And so we made sure we gave them a superb scrub out in the laundry sink before we put them in her washing machine.

Vicki: People are funny about poo, aren’t they? It’s a stainless steel bowl. Sorry, a stainless steel drum. 

Vashti: It will not breed bacteria.

Vicki: No, they’re designed, but it’s hilarious, and I’ve said this often. If you get kiddies on your undies, or you’re menstruating and you end up with leaks, you don’t throw your clothes out, do you? All you do, you chuck them through the wash, and…

Vashti: See, there’re no dramas with a toilet training toddler who has an accident, but a baby’s nappy is an issue. The other thing is, if use disposables while you’re on holidays, then you have to use disposables. We keep saying this over and over. It’s not an all-or-nothing thing. You can take a break. And sometimes when you’re away on holidays, take a break. If you want to keep using cloth and that’s your thing, then keep using cloth. And if your family doesn’t want you using their machine for cloth nappies, then maybe you search out the closest laundromat and take them down to the laundromat every second day. Or do a hand wash in the laundry tub. It will not hurt your nappies to handwash them for two days. When you get home, you just put them through for a superb wash and make sure they’re really, clean. 

The other thing you can do is use things like compostable inserts. So you’re still using your cloth shells and just disposing of the insert. Personally, if I had family coming to visit me, I’d much prefer they continued using cloth, because I don’t want a bin full of stinky plastic nappies.

Andrew: Good point, yeah.

Vicki: That is a huge thing. Because dispose of them somehow. And if you are using disposables, I’ve had this. I won’t mention who it was, one of your brothers, put a disposable nappy, poopy nappy, in the kitchen bin, not in the wheelie bin. Please never do that to someone. Especially in a house where someone uses cloth nappies. It was just vile. Vile.

Andrew: It’s all right, my brothers don’t listen, which one was it?

Vicki: I will not tell you.

Andrew: It was Paul, wasn’t it?

Vicki: I will not tell you.

Andrew: It was Mark. 

Vicki: I will not tell you.

Andrew: So my next question is, when you have a baby, your social life shouldn’t stop.

Vashti: Oh gosh, no. Just because it doesn’t stop though doesn’t mean it doesn’t alter.

Andrew: True.

Vicki: Good point.

Vashti: So don’t expect to have the same social life you had before children, after children. Your social life will be different. Yes, you still will go out and do things with family, and yes, still go out as, on your own or as a couple or something like that. And try to get time to yourselves. And that’s enormous on that self care, is trying to spend that partner time, and making sure you don’t lose yourself in your kids. Sometimes it’s hard, because all you want to do is be around this beautiful creature you’ve created. But try to take time out occasionally to work on your relationship with your partner. 

Vicki: But also don’t expect your non, if you’re the first to have kids in your friends group you need to adjust your expectations, because you will change so much when you have your baby. So the relationships that you have with those friends really changes, because they don’t get it. They don’t understand why you can’t go out. 

Vashti: Yeah, and they don’t understand why you want to be in bed at 8 o’clock when you used to rage until 2 a.m.

Vicki: And they also don’t understand, it’s like before you find that partner you want to spend all the time with, and you don’t want to spend time with your friends and all of that. So it’s very similar when you have a baby. And they don’t get it. And your friends circle changes and then suddenly you’re part of a mother’s group or play group or something like that, and you’re talking with other mums who get it. Who get what it’s like to have had three hours sleep and feel like a million bucks because you finally got a block of three hours sleep. Someone who hasn’t had kids doesn’t understand what that is like. That’s like an adrenaline rush. It’s huge.

Andrew: I usually find the rule of thumb is once you’ve had kids, you take double the time to get ready to go anywhere.

Vicki: Yeah, that’s the other thing, is why are you always late? It’s terrible. I was very much an on time person, and that was probably one of the biggest struggles I had with having kids. They’ll poop as soon as, OK, we will leave and they poop. 

Vashti: Or you would have just changed their nappy, put them in a fresh nappy to go out with, and you go, and as you’re putting them in the car [noise](). 

Andrew: That exact sound.

Vicki: It’s about changing expectations.

Vashti: It is, it really is.

Vicki: And that’s the stuff they should teach in prenatal classes, is the expectations of how your life changes, completely changes. All the things that, fair enough they teach you how to breastfeed and they teach you how to change a nappy and stuff like that. But that’s stuff you can learn in the first couple of days, because I can tell you now, going to breastfeed classes, I found useless, until I had my baby and I’m like. Oh. That’s what the Special K lips are. I learned to breastfeed in hospital. 

Andrew: The same day as having the baby.

Vicki: Funny that. It was a few hours later though. But yeah. 

Andrew: If you’re going out and you’re packing your nappy bag, is there anything you wouldn’t take? Like do you like, everything you have to change your nappy at home, you take everything when you go out to change a nappy?

Vashti: So with Braith, my nappy bag was huge. He was a poop every nappy, just about. And he would, I would have half a dozen nappies for a three-hour trip, plus two or three changes of clothes and wipes, and bum cream. Everything. My bag was chocks. 

Andrew: So was it an overnight bag, was it?

Vashti: Almost. By the time Carlin came around, my nappy bag contained a muslin cloth, two cloth wipes, a wet bag and two nappies. And I might have thrown a change of clothes in, just on the off chance we needed them. But normally there were no clothes.

Vicki: Yeah, because all the lists say a change of clothes, a change of clothes. My kids, I will preface this in I didn’t have spewy kids and my kids weren’t dribblers. So I never, ever took a spare change of clothes.

Vashti: With Braith, with all my kids, I’ve had massive milk production, and so with Braith and Mikeyla, I always had a spare change of clothes for myself in there, in case I leaked. Even though I was using breast pads and everything. I regularly leaked, and all my kids were chucky bubbies. So I was constantly covered in spew as well. But no, it was like…

Andrew: Are you hearing, everybody who says they don’t want to touch poo? 

Vicki: You know what? That’s just part of being a parent. We talk this over at expos all the time. These people who have this poo phobia, just remember when your baby is born, it’s not the poo you’re used to experiencing. It is actually super sweet. Well, breastfed poo is sweet.

Vashti: I don’t know if it tastes sweet, but it smells sweet.

Vicki: No, no, it’s not sweet.

Andrew: I bet you we could find somebody who’s tasted it.

Vicki: Ask Abbi.

Vashti: I remember Brent lifting Braith’s legs once and as he lifted the legs to put the nappy in underneath, Braith hadn’t finished, and Brent got poo all up the front of his shirt and onto his face. 

Vicki: Ask him. Ask him what it tastes like. Apparently breast milk tastes sweet too, but I’ve never actually…

Vashti: I have tried it. 

Vicki: I’ll admit, I tried it. Did I make you try it?

Andrew: I may have accidentally tried it. 

Vashti: No, Brent’s tried it. I got some for Brent, and when Carlin was born, the big kids were interested, and so I expressed some and got them to try it. And they all said it was too sweet. 

Vicki: It’s funny because Gabriel still talks now, he’s six now, and obviously we’re not feeding anymore, but he still talks about, I don’t know whether it’s the taste, but more the smell. He still remembers the smell, and it makes him feel safe. And he says in a kind of six-year-old ways.

Vashti: So Carlin, he’s four. He was four in July, and while I don’t advertise this a huge amount, it’s not something I hide either. We’re still breastfeeding. It’s just one feed, first thing in the morning. And he loves it. He tells me I have a chocolate; he calls it moo. And I have a chocolate moo and a strawberry moo. And he tells me which one he wants, and stuff like that. And I keep trying to talk to him about the fact it’s probably time he stops breastfeeding and maybe moo, he’s getting old for moo, and stuff. And he goes, but I love it mama. I love your moo. So…

Andrew: OK, if this is inappropriate I’ll take it out and post, but if left strawberry, or is left…

Vashti: Left is chocolate. Right is strawberry [laugher]().

Vicki: That is hilarious. You know what, here’s the funny thing, right, Gabriel didn’t speak pretty much until he was three and then spoke in sentences. He was one of those. You know, we took him to speech therapy, all this. We could not get him to speak. And he used to call it agen-agers. It was like, oh my kid can speak German, but he can’t speak English. Agen-aged. 

Andrew: Well, I think’s it, isn’t it?

Vicki: I think we’re completely off topic. Have we spoken anything about cloths?

Vashti: Yeah, we have. Changing and washing.

Andrew: I thought of a question. It’s kind of going backwards a big step though. But when you’re staying with family and friends, is there anything you wouldn’t take? Something you’d have at home like obviously would you pack up the little squirt and take the little squirt and plug that into their toilet?

Vashti: Probably not.

Vicki: You probably could. But I wouldn’t. 

Andrew: So what would you do with that? You’d take it to the laundry, wash them off in the laundry?

Vashti: Yeah, you could wash them off in the laundry. Just wash your liners. 

Vicki: Dunk it in the toilet? 

Vashti: Yeah, that’s what we used to do. Maybe a brush. Take a brush. 

Vicki: Or single use liners.

Andrew: Take your favourite stick.

Vicki: But don’t put the single use liners in the bin. Not in the kitchen bin, anyway.

Vashti: Or give them a superb swish and swirl in the toilet and flush the toilet to get the majority of the solids off.

Vicki: Actually, it would be superb if Jenna was here, because she’d be able to tell us how she did. Because she’s done quite a few trips away. So she goes away a lot.

Vashti: Well, isn’t she coming in for the next episode? Maybe we can touch on that, quickly for our listeners. So we can get Jenna’s point on that.

Andrew: I like that. It makes it sound like we record the episodes weeks apart.

Vicki: It also makes it sound like Jenna hasn’t arrived already. 

Andrew: You can hear her laughing in the background. And she’s been a giving hand signals to the girls for the last 15 minutes. Can’t talk, Jenna, you haven’t been introduced. 

Vicki: Do you know? Do you know what? That is torture. Jenna, you can’t talk. 

Andrew: So before we go, I do want to bring up something. In February, we’ll be recording a live show, in front of an audience. If you want to be part of that audience, go to nappyleaks.com/live to fill out an application form. We will have…

Vashti: Vicki’s laughing because we haven’t written this application form yet.

Andrew: That’s right, that’s the beauty of recording.

Vicki: Yeah, but you better give requirements. You need to be in Queensland.

Vashti: You need to be in Brisbane or prepared to come to Brisbane for the recording.

Andrew: That’s right, so all of you listening to us in, what’s our most popular country?

Vashti: Sweden.

Andrew: Yes, Sweden’s a good country, U.K.

Vicki: You can, you know what? If somebody flew over from Sweden or the U.K., I would put them up. Happily. 

Vashti: There you go. We’ll work out an accommodation.

Vicki: I’d even clean the house. 

Vashti: She’ll get the cleaner in to clean the house.

Andrew: She means she’ll get somebody to clean the house.

Vicki: I’ll put water in the pool. 

Andrew: So we will record it in February. It will be March’s show. What you need to do on the application form is we will ask you for three questions you’d like to ask. You may or not get your first choice. We haven’t decided on how many people yet, but…

Vicki: I think it’s all dependent on how many people want to come, because we’re having a debate about that.

Andrew: We’re having a debate, but we added 30% more new listeners last month.

Vicki: We love to see you.

Vashti: It will be fun. I’m looking forward to it. It will be an absolutely ball of an afternoon. 

Andrew: I looked the last Bubblebubs get together and there were 20, 30 people there.

Vicki: Was there? 

Andrew: We even filmed it and put it on the front page of the website.

Vashti: That’s right. Isn’t it called our story or something like that? I think they interviewed me in that.

Andrew: And Jenna. Jenna was in it.

Vicki: That’s right, Jenna was in it. You know a story? I took two hours of backwards and forwards, and then we ended up not using any of that because I was having a big emotional moment, over my births, I don’t talk about my births, because I didn’t realise I had post-traumatic stress from that. But anyway, we recorded it in the park, and it still took forever. Jenna, two questions. Done. Seriously, it’s like, can you say again? [fast gabble noises]() Righto. OK. 

Andrew: I can’t wait to see the transcription of [fast gabble noises](). OK, so recording in February, it will be March’s episode. If you’d like to be in the audience, fill out the application form. We don’t know where. We don’t know how many people.

Vicki: It will be somewhere between Paddington and 17 Miles.

Andrew: 17 Mile rocks. So in Brisbane somewhere.

Vicki: So it’s kind of west. West Brisbane. City west.

Andrew: We don’t want to have too many people there, because if you have too many people there, then everybody won’t be able to ask a question. 

Vashti: Maybe we could record multiple podcasts though.

Andrew: We might.

Vashti: Do we have food?

Andrew: We will have food.

Vicki: I think we will have food. We will have some lucky door prizes.

Vashti: Yeah, maybe everybody could get, oh look. I was actually just about to swear. 

Vicki:  So you didn’t have to beep. You beeped me a lot [beep](). Oh my gosh, I never knew this, because I wasn’t listening. But anyway, we will, we’ll have lucky door prizes, but also there will be a little…

Vashti: A surprise.

Andrew: A thank you for coming.

Vicki: Because it’s like a party. We’ll call it a party bag.

Andrew: We partied bags for that one we did at the park.

Vicki: We did. But we didn’t tell them they were getting a party bag. This time I’m telling them they’re getting a party bag.

Andrew: You’re telling them. So fill out that, form, you might get a party bag.

Vashti: Yeah, it will be good. 

Vicki: I’m really excited about it. I’m really, excited, I think it will be fantastic.

Vashti: It’s nice to look forward to it. 

Vicki: Yeah, it will be nice to kind of put names to faces.

Vashti: Yeah, exactly.

Vicki: I really enjoy that, when interacting with my customers and then I see them at an expo and I’m like, oh my God, you’re so not who I pictured you to be. You know? You get someone with tall and dark hair, and you think they’re short, blond, curly hair. It’s bizarre, the pictures you have in your head.

Vashti: See, I get to see my customers every day.

Vicki: Whereas me, they’re just names on a piece of paper.

Andrew: Well, a screen.

Vicki: Computer screen.

Andrew: We are a paperless office.

Vicki: Actually, no we’re not sorry. We’re not. But we do reuse our paper and then we shred it, and then we give it to the animal people. I believe. It’s not my job. 

Andrew: That’s right, because it’s above Vicki’s pay group.

Vashti: That’s another thing Vicki’s outsourced.

Andrew: Thank you, Vashti.

Vashti: Thanks, Andrew.

Andrew: Thank you, Vicki.

Vicki: Thanks, Andrew.

Andrew: Bye, everybody.