the versatile pre-fold is pretty much a rectangle of material and it’s got extra absorbency through the centre. It’s broken down into three panels normally. And the centre panel is thicker than the two outside panels.
Transcription: Pre fold cloth nappies
Andrew: Welcome to Nappy Leaks with Vicki Simpson and Vashti Wadwell. How are you doing, Vashti?
Vashti: I’m good thanks, Andrew, how are you today?
Andrew: I’m fine, how about you, Vicki? How are you doing?
Vicki: Pretty good.
Andrew: Pretty good? Not going to complain that you went last?
Vicki: [Grunts]()
Andrew: No?
Vicki: No, no.
Andrew: Excellent, let’s move on to the subject then. Today’s subject is flat. No, not flat quad nappies, prefolds.
Vicki: Yeah, same, same but different.
Andrew: Same, same?
Vashti: Very much same, same but different.
Andrew: So what’s a prefold?
Vashti: It’s pretty much a rectangle of material and it’s got extra absorbency through the centre. It’s broken down into three panels normally. And the centre panel is thicker than the two outside panels.
Andrew: So a flat nappy is just a piece of cloth.
Vashti: Yeah.
Vicki: Guess what? It’s flat.
Andrew: And it’s flat when it’s laying…
Vicki: A piece of fabric.
Andrew: Only when it’s laying on a flat surface though. You put it on a pineapple, it’s not flat.
Vashti: Define…
Vicki: No, the material is flat.
Andrew: Yeah, but it’s around a pineapple.
Vashti: Yeah. [laughter]()
Vicki: [inaudible – laughter, 01:20]() You’re in one of those moods today, are you?
Andrew: And so what’s sewn into the middle of a prefold?
Vicki: Just the same material.
Vashti: Generally. Sometimes it might be different.
Andrew: So it’s like you’ve already folded it up, but not lost any space.
Vicki: I have a feeling after 14 years of being involved with cloth nappies, you still know jack.
Andrew: Did we ever use flat nappies?
Vicki: No.
Andrew: No. Did we ever use prefolds?
Vicki: No, no, I did use one once, and I had to Google how to fold it.
Andrew: And you said no, I’m not doing that again.
Vashti: You’re not Googling how to fold flat nappies anymore though, since I taught you how to use them.
Vicki: No, I can fold them one way.
Andrew: True, but she hasn’t put that into practice.
Vicki: I’m never going to put that into practice.
Vashti: Are you going to put it into practice?
Vicki: No, done, closed, done.
Andrew: So materials, what’s it made out of? Is it made out of the same as a flat nappy?
Vicki: Generally, well actually I was just about to say that prefolds are stretchy. But no, you can get stretchy or you can get flat, sorry woven fabrics.
Vashti: Yeah, pretty much any absorbent material. Any absorbent material.
Vicki: You don’t want anything too thick though, because you’ve got multiple layers.
Vashti: It takes, drying time becomes an issue, because you’ve got multiple layers in the centre.
Andrew: Are they always made out of the same material?
Vashti: No, so you could, I’ve got Rawr prefolds that have got bamboo on one side and hemp on the other.
Vicki: Rawr is a brand.
Vashti: Yeah, sorry. Raw nappies is a brand.
Vicki: As in R-A-W-R.
Vashti: But I’ve got those that are a bamboo cotton on one side, and a hemp cotton on the other. So you can get combination materials. I’m pretty sure, I can’t remember which brand it is, but I know there’s a brand out there that actually puts a microfibre layer through the centre as well, so to increase absorbency, sorry to keep some absorbency, but also increase drying time.
Vicki: Reduce.
Vashti: Reduce. It’s too early. And it’s been a long week.
Vicki: This is why we usually do podcasts in the afternoon, because I’m still recovering from my sleep. I have to have a nanna nap around 10 o’clock in the morning. And it’s 10 o’clock in the morning.
Andrew: [laughs]() Just in case you’re wondering, no, she’s not kidding.
Vicki: I am, it’s usually 1 o’clock, 1 o’clock I have that whole after lunch flop, where I need my 20 minutes.
Andrew: That’s because you get up so early.
Vashti: [maniacal laughter]()
Vicki: Because I get up so early? You mean, I go to bed so late.
Andrew: Yeah, see, you could have got away with that, but you ruined it. Can you make them yourself?
Vashti: Definitely.
Vicki: Absolutely.
Andrew: What would you make them out of?
Vicki: Whatever, actually probably sourcing the fabric would be the hardest. If you wanted to make a cotton prefold, you’d probably look for a cotton twill. If you’re making a bamboo one, look for a fleece or a jersey, something stretchy. Yeah, not, sourcing the fabric would be the hardest thing, which is what is happening with all nappy fabrics, it’s not like you can pop down to Spotlight, and easily get some of the more common fabrics used in…
Andrew: Has it always been hard to get these fabrics?
Vicki: Yeah, oh yeah, yeah. A lot of specialised, I remember when I started, we didn’t have bamboo back then, it was hemp. And literally there was one place in Australia you could get hemp. And aside from that, you’d be bringing it in from overseas. Spotlight brought in bamboo a couple of years ago, but…
Vashti: Pretty low quality, isn’t it?
Vicki: It is, and it’s really expensive from them. But there are specialised stores, like Bamboo Fabric Store has an awesome fabric.
Vashti: I was on there the other night, looking at some beautiful, lovely coloured bamboo velour. Just stunning.
Vicki: Look, and I know where they’re sourcing their fabrics from, and the quality is amazing. Can absolutely put my hand up and say yep, you don’t be wasting your money there.
Andrew: Is that why in the early days of Bubblebubs, you used to important all the fabric?
Vicki: Uh huh. Yep. So actually how I started as a brand was we were making, well I was making them all here, and I ended up finding a manufacturer, sorry a supplier in China that had some great fabric. And so then I started bringing in bolts of fabric, and I’d actually co-op it with a lot of other work at home mums as well, back when the industry was pretty tiny. And then from there, they started cutting it for me. So cutting down on that production time. And they’re actually now the company that make my Bam Bams and flats. What else do they make? Pretty much that’s all they’re making now.
Andrew: Because I remember…
Vashti: My B.I.G.S, they make my B.I.G.S.
Vicki: And the B.I.G.S.
Andrew: …the early days of Bubblebubs, we’d basically get a…
Vicki: Container.
Andrew: …container delivered to the front yard.
Vashti: Just of fabric.
Andrew: Yeah, just of…
Vicki: Yeah, 20 foot container.
Andrew: Not shared with anybody else…
Vicki: Yeah, no, it was.
Andrew: …full of fabric. Oh that’s right, you did share with somebody else.
Vicki: Yeah, we actually used to get minky, micafleece and cotton velour back then.
Vashti: Cotton velour?
Vicki: Cotton velour, yeah, back from a different manufacturer. That’s when the insert, the inner layer of the all in ones, which is similar to the Pebbles, just don’t make them anymore, they were actually a cotton velour, and…
Vashti: They were too. I’ve still got some of those.
Vicki: …yeah, you just, well we used to make them with a printed flannelette, which again came from America, because you just couldn’t get any nice prints over here. But yeah, I had that fabric custom made for me. And I’d actually co-op it with some work at home mums. A lot of them aren’t around anymore, and even a fabric store down in South Australia. What was… Jodie’s… can’t remember her store name. But she used to pretty much go halves with me. So we’d get the custom colours and the custom fabrics, and there’s still some in the warehouse, if anybody ever wants to see what it looked like. I’m actually not joking, I really wish I was.
Vashti: You really need to have that garage sale.
Vicki: Yeah, I do, I do.
Andrew: [inaudible, 08:23]()
Vicki: But yeah, the only way to get decent fabric was to pretty much have it custom made. Because I’m pretty particular. The stuff that you, even micafleece that you get from Spotlight is, you can shoot peas through it. It’s pretty yucky. Yeah, to get what I wanted, I basically made a deal with some other work at home mums, and we all went in together and got colours that we wanted, and yeah.
Andrew: And funny thing, like the containers arrived and you know on television, containers always have a padlock on them? No, this container had a bolt that you had to cut off with a hacksaw to actually get into the container. So we knew that it had never been opened since it left where it left. Which was, yeah, it was good? Yeah, quite a few containers turned up. All people up and down the street.
Vicki: Yeah, remember when we were at like, we sold our house really fast, and had to be in a rental for three or four months, because we couldn’t find another house. And I remember we had to have, oh my gosh that was such an issue, because it wasn’t our house. Anyway, so they’re delivering the container, and they take out, what was it? The cable. The cable T.V. or something.
Andrew: No actually that was when we moved out.
Vicki: Oh was it? Oh OK, when we were moving out.
Andrew: The move out, because we left before the move truck left. The move truck left after us, and that’s when I think they snafued the cable. So using these nappies, is this the sort of nappy you can use from birth, straight through to toilet training?
Vashti: Yeah, I took prefolds to the hospital with Kylan and we used them in an angelwing fold.
Andrew: If people want to know how to fold nappies, go to Vashti’s website, or Vicki’s website.
Vicki: Oh no, Jenna will put it in the podcast notes.
Andrew: Good on you, Jenna. [background laughter]() That’s a thumbs up from Jenna. Jenna’s actually over there today working.
Vicki: How is she keeping her quiet?
Vashti: I don’t know.
Vicki: Jenna never, ever keeps quiet.
Vashti: I did hear her giggling before. So…
Andrew: No, that was me. I giggle like a girl.
Vashti: Oh, do you? That was very sexist of you, Andrew, giggling like a girl.
Andrew: Every time my daughter throws a ball, I always say to her, you throw like a girl. Probably giving her a complex.
Vashti: Yeah, no Jenna was saying before we started that she doesn’t have to feel wierded out when people talk to her because she’s actually here this time.
Andrew: She’s got to listen to this back again, anyway.
Vashti: She does.
Vicki: Because nobody usually talks to her.
Vashti: But no, angelwing fold in the early days, and I fold it down the front. And Kylan was, he was a decent-sized bubby; he was 8 pounds 11, which is 3,815 grams. So 3815.
Andrew: What’s that? Three kilos and a bit.
Vicki: 3.8 kilo.
Vashti: 3.815. See this is the whole thing with the metric system, it makes sense.
Andrew: That’s right.
Vashti: Pounds don’t. Sorry if you’re in a non-metric listening environment.
Vicki: You mean America?
Andrew: There’s two countries actually, America and some other unpronounceable name.
Vashti: There you go. So he was 3815, our first, which is 8 pound 11, and we still folded the front of the prefold down in the angelwing. It was too long in the rise for him. So he was probably pushing about four months, so around the 8 kilo mark when we moved to the jellyroll, because his poos were still quite explosive. And then we also used it from quite young as, pad folded as extra absorbency over the top of a fitted nappy, to get him through longer periods at night and stuff. And so, and after that, it went into a pad fold, just sitting inside a shell, and used as absorbency inside pocket nappies, and as extra inserts inside all-in-twos and stuff like that. So we used our prefolds for everything. They were awesome.
Andrew: I know flats will end up polishing the car. What will prefolds end up doing?
Vicki: Exactly the same thing. So we’ve got a stash still, where I did pass a few on to a friend that were in excellent condition. Obviously they’d gotten less use than some others. But our prefolds were used pretty solidly for four years, and so a lot of them are now cleaning cloths around our house. Our pocket nappies and our all in ones are not. Just saying.
Andrew: Are not?
Vicki: They’re not polishing cloths, are they? They’re just taking up room in the laundry, still.
Andrew: No, I moved them to the warehouse [laughter]().
Vashti: You didn’t know that one.
Vicki: No.
Andrew: And so, I know this is a silly question, but I’ve got to ask it…
Vicki: Well why ask it?
Andrew: …well I’ve got to ask it for the people who don’t know.
Vicki: Well the only silly question is one that’s not asked. There’s no such thing as a silly question, because someone will always want to know the answer to it.
Andrew: Fair enough. Do you need to use a cover?
Vicki: Yeah.
Vashti: Well every layer is absorbent, so if you’re putting clothes on over the top or in the carrier or the car or something, a cover is definitely going to be beneficial, but if you are just hanging around the house and you have it in an angelwing or a jellyroll, or even the bikini twist, that’s another fold for prefolds, you could technically get away without a cover, if it was well closed.
Vicki: I’d actually say probably not though, because, and my reasoning underneath that is the whole advantage of a prefold and a cover system is that two layer of protections.
Vashti: Second layer of benefit.
Vicki: But if you’ve got it in an angelwing fold, and you haven’t, the thing is with a flat nappy, you don’t have any elastic. So it’s a lot gappier around the legs. So you’re more likely to wear it…
Vashti: To get explosions.
Vicki: Yeah, wear the poo that, is not wear the nappy. You’re more likely to wear the poo without a cover. I think best practice would be yeah, put a cover on it.
Andrew: And of course when they wet right through the nappy, they’re pretty much going to leave a snail trail around the house, aren’t they?
Vicki: Yes.
Vashti: Yes, and you can’t pad fold it.
Vicki: No, you can’t pad fold it. Like the only way is…
Vashti: It’s definitely, it’s only the angel, something that…
Vicki: It would have to be fastened with a snappi or pins or something.
Vashti: …would have to be fastened with a snappi or something.
Both: Boingoes.
Vashti: But the only reason that you would use it without a cover is if you’re wanting a little bit more airflow. While covers are breathable, they do restrict airflow a little bit. So it’s sort of that nappy free time without being nappy free time, if you know what I mean? Which is in the early days only, because once they get a bit bigger, you tend to use your prefolds more as pads, and not as, not being fastened.
Vicki: Yeah, they don’t resemble a nappy, a nappy looking thing.
Andrew: What’s a boingo?
Vashti: A boingo is similar to a snappi…
Vicki: Just a different brand.
Andrew: Oh OK, so there’s competition for snappies now.
Vashti: There’s always been competition for snappies. Boingoes are slightly different. They don’t have the stretch of a snappi, and they’re two pieces instead of one piece.
Vicki: So more to lose.
Vashti: Yeah. But the idea is that in the early days, like with smaller bubbies, you only use one, and as they get bigger, you have one on each hip, instead of having to go across the entire body.
Vicki: Now, having said that, snappies, and boingoes I assume as well, are like hair ties, and every woman with long hair understands exactly what that means. Nope. And then when you don’t need them, there’s like 30. Did you know, I was looking for tweezers the other day. Could not find tweezers anywhere. And today, last night, five pairs of tweezers. I actually kid you not. I’m like, where were you last week, when I needed you?
Andrew: And they said, we’ve been here the whole time.
Vicki: Pretty much. You know, I actually found one of them, oh wait for it, in the top drawer in our kitchen. In our crap drawer, that’s got the wooden spoons and stuff like that. I found it…
Vashti: Don’t you use tweezers to pull fish bones out?
Vicki: OK, you know me. See, Jenna knows me. I don’t eat fish, and probably because fish has bones.
Andrew: Yes, Jenna, you can talk.
Jenna: I was going to say, that’s the only thing I use my tweezers for is pulling out fish bones. They live in the kitchen. I have a pair of tweezers specifically for fish bones. If I’m preparing fish and it’s a particularly bony piece of fish, I’ll actually run my hand over it and pull the bones out with a pair of tweezers.
Vicki: No, that’s never, ever going to happen in my house. Ever, ever.
Vashti: Do your kids eat fish?
Vicki: Nope. The only fish…
Vashti: Is it because you won’t work it…
Vicki: Yeah, yeah. Well I don’t eat it, so I’ve even tried, I think I’ve got some barramundi fillets that are in the freezer, that I bought for Andrew, because he doesn’t mind fish. But how sweet is this, he doesn’t eat fish because I don’t like fish, and he never wants to smell of fish.
Vashti: But you…
Andrew: And I like to get kissed.
Vashti: You did eat…
Vicki: It wasn’t just fish either. It was salmon.
Vashti: I love salmon
Vicki: [gagging noise]()
Vashti: Kylan’s favourite food. Smoked salmon.
Andrew: So got a question for you, Jenna. Are they labelled fish only?
Jenna: [laughter]()
Vicki: What else would you be using…
Jenna: He’s talking about, we were talking about people who have butter knives to rinse poo, and to make sure that you label the butter knife, poo butter knife, so I know exactly what Andrew’s talking about.
Vicki: But technically if it gets cleaned at a high enough temperature…
Jenna: It should be fine.
Vashti: Shouldn’t it be fine?
Jenna: No, let me say, it will be fine. But for some reason, people don’t like spreading peanut butter with the same thing you rinse poo with. People are weird.
Vicki: What you don’t know, you don’t know.
Vashti; Note to self, don’t use knives at Vicki’s house.
Vicki: That’s alright, we don’t scrape poo.
Vashti: Not anymore, anyway.
Jenna: Tell me about that.
Vicki: No, we had a little squirt.
Andrew: I miss that, our little squirt wore out.
Vicki: It did, three kids. Did a good job.
Andrew: Had a good life.
Vashti: Ours we had for two children and then passed on to a friend, who used it for one and a half children. So, because she’d already used her one for one and a half, and her husband stepped on it, so it broke the handle. I said well here, have mine. And then we got a second one when I was pregnant with Kylan, and that’s just moved on to another family now. So passed it on to a friend of mine who’s just had a little bub.
Andrew: If you’re wondering how to use a little squirt or a little sprayer or anything like that, Jenna has a new series of videos where she shows you how to wash playdough off of nappies, with her little sprayer, and my gosh, she was good at it too.
Jenna: [distantly]() Practice.
Andrew: Practice. So next question, are they easy to use? Like are they easy to use…
Vicki: Are we talking nappy sprayers or prefolds? What are talking now? I’m kind of…
Vashti: Salmon.
Vicki: Are we talking swim nappies? Because you know, I’m sitting here bagging swim nappies while I’m talking, so I’m kind of…
Andrew: As you can tell, expo season is coming up, expo season pretty much lasts the whole year.
Vicki: February to November.
Andrew: February to November. And Vicki and Vashti are sitting here putting swim nappies in their little wet bags.
Vicki: Mind you, I didn’t ask, I did not ask Vashti to help, she offered.
Vashti: No, she just appeared with this whole big armful of wet bags, and said…
Vicki: Armful? Have you seen the size of the box?
Vashti: And I said, so I guess I’m putting swim nappies in wet bags for you during the podcast?
Jenna: She may have been trained.
Andrew: That’s from a previous podcast.
Vicki: See, what I’d really like to be doing is this. See, here, this is my sneaking a little tag on. But unfortunately, apparently that’s too noisy.
Vashti: It’s louder than her voice.
Andrew: That’s right, it’s actually louder than your voice. Here’s a question for you. Like, are these made in the same factory? The wet bags and the nappies?
Vicki: Yes.
Andrew: How come they’re not put in there for you and then sent over?
Vicki: Because it…
Vashti: Increases the cost.
Andrew: Because it costs money and you’d rather get your family to do it?
Vicki: Well no actually to be honest, well I can just get the kids to do it. But honestly, they wouldn’t charge me for packaging, and I kind of think well, it gives the kids something to do. And you know. And it’s actually when you’re talking about packaging to send to me, it is actually easier for them to package all of the wet bags together and package all of the swim nappies together, and it actually takes up less room than packaging them together. Does that make sense?
Andrew: Yeah.
Vicki: So you know, it reduces the freight cost, gives my kids something to do. They’re slave labour.
Andrew: Because they really pack them tight when they ship them over.
Vicki: They do. They really do, so it’s one of those things that, it really doesn’t take long to…
Andrew: So back to prefolds. Are they easy to use?
Vashti: They can be. Personally I think they are. Brent had a few issues in the early days, but then he also refused to use flats, whereas I didn’t mind using flats. It takes, it can, depending on what sort of prefold you have, whether it’s a cotton prefold or a stretchy prefold. So cotton prefolds won’t have any stretch to them whereas stretchy prefolds you can get a bit of a snugger fit. But then that also means if you’ve got a stretchy weave, it really tightens, the weave really tightens up, so it can be a little bit trickier to get the snappi to grab hold of it when you’re using it in a fold.
Andrew: You have stretchy ones, don’t you Vicki?
Vicki: I have both.
Andrew: Stretchy ones and…
Vicki: I’m actually getting, we’ve got stretchy bamboo, and maybe by the time this podcast comes out, no? We’ll have stretchy…
Andrew: Seven days.
Vicki: …no, we won’t have those ones. And cotton prefolds. We’ve got a new prefold coming, can you tell?
Andrew: I didn’t know we had a new prefold coming.
Jenna: Neither did I.
Vicki: Didn’t you?
Andrew: And Jenna works for us.
Vicki: Vashti knows. Who knows here?
Vashti: I know.
Vicki: It’s something we’ve been discussing for a long time. And it’s finally coming to fruition, which is awesome.
Andrew: We’re going to have, you know, a big, we don’t break news on this show very much. Are we going to break some news here?
Vicki: I’m actually going to download a new ringtone today. That, seriously, anyone who knows me, knows that I have had the same ringtone for how long? When did Candy by Robbie Williams get released? Because I made a ringtone from that, three, four years. So there’s the announcement. I’m going to get a new ringtone.
Andrew: What’s the new ringtone going to be?
Vicki: I have no idea. Now that I’ve finished putting swim nappies into bags, maybe I can now sit on my iPad and go searching.
Vashti: We’ve still got half a box of swim nappies here. Just no wet bags.
Vicki: Yeah, but that means going downstairs and getting wet bags.
Vashti: Fair enough.
Vicki: Too much effort, and I needed to make sure that there were enough wet bags for different sizes as well. You know, all that sort of hoohah.
Andrew: So you’ve got two types, you’ve got stretchy and non-stretchy. And in doing research for this podcast, that video came up that filmed, where you showed the stretch one and the non-stretchy one. Which is easier to use? The stretch one or the non-stretchy one?
Vicki: I think stretchy. Over, because you get a better fit. But having said that, our bamboo prefolds, the way that the fabric knits together, so the bamboo terry knit is really quite tight, it’s hard to get a snappi on, after a while. Just…
Vashti: The teeth of the snappi, because the knit is so tightly woven, the teeth of the snappi…
Vicki: Struggle.
Vashti: …struggle to grip. So the way a snappi or a boingo works is the little teeth on it will actually hook into the little loops in the fabric. But the stretchy prefolds, or any stretchy material, those little loops are so tight and so small, that the teeth won’t hook into them.
Andrew: How many brands make flat nappies, Vashti?
Vashti: Oh, just about everyone.
Andrew: Everybody? Sorry, I meant prefolds, how many…
Vashti: Just about everyone.
Andrew: Everyone makes a prefold.
Vicki: Because they’re a no-brainer to make. No, because I’ve had faulty prefolds come through. You’d think it would be fairly easy to make a prefold. You know, no, probably not. But yeah, trying to get them into even thirds, that’s how our faulty ones came through. There was nothing terribly wrong with them…
Vashti: They were perfectly fine, it’s just they weren’t even. So one panel was 10 centimetres, another panel was 11 centimetres, and the third panel was 14 centimetres. So they didn’t fold neatly in three. And then…
Andrew: That would send all those neat freak people crazy.
Vashti: Well you can’t use them effectively.
Vicki: Unless it’s a pad fold.
Vashti: The other issue we had with that batch was the fact that that centre panel, because there’s extra absorbency sewn through the centre panel, they hadn’t caught that centre panel properly on one of the stitch lines. And therefore the material in the centre was just moving around freely.
Andrew: So when you washed it, it would probably end up at one end.
Vashti: Yes.
Andrew: Right, OK. So what happened to those?
Vicki: They got sold off as seconds. So still perfectly usable, the fabric, there was nothing wrong with the fabric, it was just the way that they were stitched. And you know…
Vashti: Anyone with a sewing machine could have unpicked one end, and…
Vicki: You wouldn’t even have had to. Just zig zag up the middle. They were still functional…
Vashti: They were still fine.
Vicki: …but just well, well, well below what I would consider anything close to my first quality stuff.
Andrew: So you called them seconds, but really they were fifths or sixths?
Vicki: Yeah, if there was such a thing as thirds, I probably would have called them thirds, because to me a second is something that…
Vashti: Has a minor imperfection.
Vicki: …has a minor imperfection.
Vashti: Or a small dirty mark, or something like that. Something that doesn’t affect the use of the product, but doesn’t make it able to be sold on a shop shelf.
Andrew: And how many would you normally have in a stash?
Vicki: I had two dozen.
Andrew: Twenty four. Not bakers’ dozens?
Vicki: No.
Vashti: I had two dozen and I found that was really good. There was, we always had more than enough prefolds to use in everything, and we also used them as burp cloths as well, because even though we had lots of flats in our house, a lot of those had been used as cleaning rags between when Mikayla was out of nappies and when Kylan went into nappies. So I wasn’t as comfortable using the flats that were used as cleaning rags, next to my children’s faces. Still used them as change table covers.
Andrew: Because they’d had Mr Sheen on them?
Vashti: Yeah, oh well I don’t use Mr Sheen, but they had had bleach or Dettol or something like that on them. And they’d been washed…
Andrew: That’s way worse.
Vashti: It’s that whole, the butter knife in the toilet. You specially label it. You don’t feel good about spreading peanut butter with the same knife that you’ve scraped poo.
Vicki: Obviously everyone has much higher standards than I do.
Andrew: All you Red Dwarf fans, there’s a whole episode on Red Dwarf about this. One of the characters is sick of using plastic knives and forks, so he goes down to the med bay and starts bringing stuff up from the med bay so he can have glass and things. But he’s basically eating his meal out of a bedpan.
Vashti: Right. See, I don’t think I could do that.
Andrew: Last question I’ve got here is are they just something that you use when you’re out of your all in twos? Like a second choice nappy?
Vashti: No, plenty of people use them as their stash, because they are, they’re quite a trim and snug nappy in the newborn days, but they will last you all the way through until toilet training. As I mentioned, we used our prefolds from day one at the hospital, all the way through until Kylan night trained a couple of weeks before he turned four. So they really do work well. They are very trim as a pad fold with a cover over the top. I remember a woman came in; I was talking to a woman in the shop one day, and her mum was there, and said, oh no, cloth nappies are way too bulky, you’ll never get clothes over the top. I said, “oh no,” and pointed at Kylan, who was playing over in the corner, and said, “he’s wearing a cloth nappy at the moment. It’s actually a prefold with a cover over it.” She’s like, no, he’s not, there’s no way, no, he’s wearing a disposable. I said, “no, it’s a cloth nappy, he’s never had a disposable on his bum.” She made me pull his pants down to show her that it was a cloth nappy because she did not believe that this nappy would be trim enough to be a cloth one. So yeah, very definitely, very trim and very easy and simple to use. And plenty of people will use them as the main bulk of their stash, whether it be at home, as boosters, over fitteds, or when they’re out and about.
Andrew: Nice. Well, I think that’s all we’ve got for today, but I just wanted to thank all of our podcast listeners, because our listens in January, again, exceeded our best ever month. So thank you again for everybody listening. And girls, congratulations, you’ve now recorded over 14 hours of podcast.
Vashti: Wow. That’s pretty impressive.
Andrew: That’s not counting all the bits I took out. That’s 14 hours of usable podcast.
Vashti: That’s good. Well, thanks for listening.
Vicki: Obviously you guys are listening, which is why we keep doing it.
Andrew: And don’t forget, if you’ve got any questions, just go to the Nappyleaks website and ask your questions there. Thank you, Vashti.
Vashti: Thanks, Andrew.
Andrew: Thank you, Vicki.
Vicki: Thanks, Andrew.
Andrew: Vicki Simpson is a wife and mother to three children, President of the Australian Nappy Association and owner and founder of Bubblebubs. Vicki has been making and selling cloth nappies through her website for 15 years. Bubblebubs is now one of the most recognised and awarded cloth nappy brands in Australia, and is currently expanding to other countries. You can find out more and contact her through her website, Vashti Wadwell is mother to three children and has been using cloth nappies for 13 years. She is the owner of Australia’s first cloth nappy store, Nest Nappies, located in Brisbane, Australia. She can be contacted through her website, If you would like to give us feedback, go to If you are finding this podcast helpful, the way to thank us is to leave feedback in the iTunes store or wherever you listen to podcasts. I am your host, Andrew Simpson.