An untimely topic, today the ladies are talking about traveling with cloth nappies. They discuss a few different styles of “travel” starting with a quick trip to the shops. They both suggest having an emergency car kit and talk about what should be in it, how many nappies to take to the store and what other accessories to pack when you’re out and about like Botty Balm or Foamy Wipes Wash. They then move onto the real meat, travelling on holiday with cloth nappies. Firstly, let’s say travelling with kids is hard you don’t have to use cloth you can switch to disposables BUT it is totally doable if that’s what is important to you. The ladies discuss how to plan your travels to make cloth work, how many to pack and share some of their personal experiences. They finish up with a quick discussion about how to pack for daycare if you want to learn more about packing for daycare we have a blog about that too!
Transcription: Traveling with cloth nappies
Andrew: Welcome to Nappy Leaks with Vicki Simpson and Vashti Wadwell. How are you Vashti?
Vashti: Hi, Andrew, how are you?
Vicki: She’s still on her phone.
Vashti: I looked up.
Andrew: How are you going, Vicki?
Vicki: Good, how are you? I’m not on my phone.
Andrew: No, you’re not on your phone.
Vicki: I’m not eating, I’m not doing anything wrong.
Vashti: You just ate a salted caramel and white chocolate biscuit though.
Andrew: To be fair, you brought them.
Vashti: I did. I’ve got caramel slices in my bag too.
Andrew: Just in case we run out of biscuits.
Vashti: Yeah, I’ve also got K-Tiger chocolate.
Vicki: Yeah, but see you bought all of this. Martha Stewart Vicki here made, what did I make yesterday? I made pizza scrolls and I made a really nice lemon slice and some pikelets and all of this…
Vashti: And where is it?
Vicki: It’s all for lunchboxes.
Andrew: I snuck three pieces down to the office last night.
Vashti: Did you really? Disclaimer, people. We’re talking about really yummy food, if you’re pregnant, OK?
Vicki: Talked, past tense, sorry. Not sorry.
Andrew: I was half expecting you to be yelling in the kitchen this morning when you were packing lunches, who ate all these? So thank you everybody for listening. We’ve been going for two decades now.
Vashti: We’ve been going for over two decades.
Andrew: Spanning two decades.
Vashti: That’s the word.
Andrew: Spanning two decades. And in January we peaked at the 15th spot in the category of parenting.
Vashti: That is absolutely amazing.
Andrew: Which is good actually.
Andrew: Now Vicki, got a little bit of a setback with your product that you said in the last podcast would be shipping by now.
Vicki: Yes, well.
Vashti: It’s supposed to be here by now.
Vicki: Yeah, well, going to have to obviously let the cat out of the bag on socials. This shows when we actually record this though, because I’ll be doing a live video today or tomorrow on that product, that cocky Vicki decided to talk about. And it’s not here.
Vashti: That’s OK because we’re still super excited.
Vicki: It’s not even made because factories have all been delayed and all sorts of things delayed back to work. As I keep saying to my manufacturer, people are dying at the moment, so as far as I’m concerned, producing some nappies is kind of down on the priority list, when you’re talking about literally people’s lives and health. That takes a much bigger priority than releasing a product. They’ll be here eventually. I’m thinking April they should be finished. They’ll be one of the first things. They’re all cut read to go. They’ll be one of the first things that are produced as soon as, yeah, as soon as they go back to work. If you’re on our Facebook, if you like our Facebook page, which is just Or search Bubblebubs Modern Cloth Nappies, you will be able to keep up to date, because this podcast will go out well after that live has. So we try to keep people up to date on socials.
Andrew: So on to today’s topic which is…
Vicki: Gosh knows what it is.
Andrew: Which is travelling with cloth nappies.
Vashti: That’s a nice little intro isn’t it, let’s travel with cloth nappies after we talk about a world wide health crisis.
Andrew: Don’t go to China. Or any other country.
Vashti: Actually I wouldn’t travel right now. Don’t travel.
Vicki: Don’t travel if you don’t have to.
Vashti: They were on the radio this morning talking to a couple that are caught on a cruise ship just off Japan.
Vicki: Off Japan, yeah I heard that too. Their spirits were really quite high actually.
Vashti: Their spirits were beautiful.
Vicki: They had a great attitude about it.
Andrew: Places to get stuck, a cruise ship doesn’t sound too bad.
Vicki: No, they’re stuck in their cabins.
Vashti: They’re stuck in their cabins and some of the internal cabins, they haven’t seen sunlight in over four days. And now, the cruise liner is actually charging people who are in quarantine on the ship for hot chocolate.
Vicki: For hot chocolate. Clearly you listen to 973.
Vashti: I do. Here’s a little plug for 973, Robin, Terry and Bob, come on.
Vicki: Now that Robin’s back. I’m happy about that.
Andrew: I’m going to take that whole bit out. I don’t like 973. Even though Robin left my radio station and went back to 973, I still don’t like it.
Vicki: He’s a bogan, Triple-M.
Vashti: A listener.
Vicki: A listener. You know what, I’ve got nothing against the stuff that Triple-M play, but I’m sorry, Akka Dakka at 9 o’clock in the morning on the school run is just…
Vashti: It’s a little bit hard to cope with.
Vicki: Yeah.
Andrew: Gets the kids in the mood.
Vicki: The mood for what? [inaudible, 04:57]
Andrew: For a productive day. So traveling to the shops, let’s start with that. What should be in your cloth nappy bag?
Vicki: Chocolate.
Vashti: There’s always chocolate. Depends on how long you’re going. If you’re just doing a quick trip down to pick up some milk and bread…
Andrew: Are you sure? They always turn into disasters.
Vashti: They do…
Vicki: Can I tell you, never ever go out without a cloth nappy.
Vashti: Oh no, I wasn’t going to say go out without a cloth nappy. A mini wet bag and one cloth nappy and a cloth wipe. It’s generally enough.
Vicki: That should actually be in your car. I actually found the things to keep in your car are a towel, in case your baby poos. Sorry, wets or vomits all over their ar seat. A towel, some wipes and a wet bag.
Vashti: An emergency nappy and change of clothes.
Vicki: Yes, and bandaids.
Andrew: RACQ membership.
Vicki: That’s only if you’re in Queensland, I guess.
Vashti: See, we’ve got Youi. Our car comes with a roadside thing.
Andrew: Yeah, mine doesn’t. We’re not advertising RACQ or any other brand, so we just…
Vicki: Yes, that’s why I didn’t mention the car. Said THE car.
Andrew: The car.
Vashti: But just an emergency, you know.
Andrew: [inaudible, 06:15] you guys got road side assistance.
Vashti: So does mine.
Vicki: Yeah, but the thing is, here’s the thing. You go out with just one cloth nappy and you’ll meet up with a girlfriend and you’ll be like, let’s go for coffee, let’s go for lunch. So if you’ve got that extra little emergency stash in the car.
Vashti: I never went anywhere without a minimum of two nappies.
Vicki: Yeah, I think one cloth nappy is just asking for trouble.
Andrew: So say you’re going out for a shopping trip, how many should you take? Two or three?
Vicki: Whatever you think you would normally need at home, plus one. That’s probably a good ratio, because it’s just Murphy’s Law. You pop a new cloth nappy on a baby, a brand new cloth nappy, I’m so excited, this print, I’ve finally got it. And they’ll poop it. Immediately. That’s just Murphy’s Law. It is how it is. You put the print that you hate, and the kid will be in it for like four hours. Can I change this cloth nappy already?
Vashti: Cloth Nappy Law, we’ll call it.
Vicki: Yeah, we should, shouldn’t we? That’s a good one. The Cloth Nappy Law.
Vashti: The Cloth Nappy Law.
Vicki: Patented and copywritten by Nappy Leaks.
Andrew: [inaudible, 07:28]
Vicki: You can take family wipes if you want.
Vashti: I always had, because I had cloth wipes, and when I was purely breastfeeding, I always had my water bottle with me. And when the kids started solids, I always had their water bottles as well as mine, so I just wet a cloth wipe from my water bottle if I wasn’t anywhere where I could wet it at a sink.
Vicki: Yeah, see we used to just have a made up family wipes wash, which is apparently supposed to last just a week, but that is purely just to cover us and our insurance and all of that sort of stuff. I had stuff that’s been made up for years. Literally in the back, in the boot of the car.
Vashti: I did have a handy bottom sanitizer in the car at all times, or in my handbag.
Andrew: I always liked the family wipes wash because if the kids, if they end up sticky…
Vicki: Didn’t have to be wet.
Vashti: I used it to clean my hands after I changed a cloth nappy as well, or clean down a public change table or a public eatery table. Because those things are gross. Have you see the water that the cleaners wipe the tables down with?
Vicki: No, no, la, la, la, la, la.
Andrew: That’s right.
Vicki: But trolleys are worse, because trolleys never get cleaned.
Vashti: Well I had one of those trolley cart things, the quilted, padded home made thing.
Vicki: Nothing nicer than seeing your kid lick a trolley.
Andrew: We had one of those too, it would actually go inside the…
Vicki: The trolley seat.
Andrew: Does anybody make them still?
Vashti: You can get them at markets.
Vicki: I made that one. I made that one.
Andrew: How come it’s not a Bubblebubs product?
Vicki: Yeah, cool. How about I add it to the list of things that are going to be made and delayed…
Vashti: After wool covers and training pants.
Vicki: No, doing wool covers and not doing training pants. There are enough brands out there doing an awesome job of that. I don’t need to reinvent the wheel. There is another product coming at the end of the year though. Would you like me to spruik that, and see that one delayed?
Andrew: [laughs] New product? When did you say it would be out?
Vicki: See, I haven’t even told you about that. No.
Vashti: I was going to say…
Andrew: We’re breaking news to me as well.
Vicki: Yep I am. It’s pretty.
Andrew: It’s pretty.
Vicki: It’s pretty.
Andrew: OK.
Vashti: Bloomers?
Vicki: No, it’s not a nappy. It’s not a nappy.
Andrew: It’s not a nappy? It’s a tent?
Vicki: Yes, it’s a tent.
Andrew: You’re going to start making tents.
Vicki: I’m going to start making tents.
Vashti: I think I might know what it is.
Andrew: With a big thing on the side.
Vicki: Hey?
Andrew: It’s a big tent with a big thing on the side.
Vicki: That’s it, that’s it.
Andrew: So botty balm, should you take botty balm?
Vicki: If your baby’s got a rash, I guess. Or if you get jock-rash. Actually, because my poor daughter has been blessed with my thunder-thighs, I gave her a little hint the other day, because she decides to wear, teenagers wear the shortest of shorts, and it’s summer, and you get sweaty in your thighs. Oh, I came up with the best parenting moment. So because she was talking about thigh gap, right. And I said, you realise that it’s based on your hips and the way that your hips sit. And so there are some people that will just never have thigh gap. And I was high fiving myself, thinking that I just fixed a problem, because everybody has body issues and stuff like that. So I pretty much just wiped that one out. So feel free to use it, that thigh gap is based on the way that your legs, your hips, or your legs sit into your hips. But anyway, men’s deodorant.
Vashti: Really?
Vicki: Didn’t you know that?
Vashti: No.
Vicki: Yeah, men’s deodorant is actually, a spray deodorant is actually really good to stop thighs rubbing together. So if you are wearing a skirt on a really hot day and I can say this, you get a sweaty box or something like that, it’s actually just really sweaty you can use… so, because Andrew has had to cut a heap of laughing and some vulgarness out, you can imagine what I said. Anyway, using men’s deodorant. I don’t know why, it just goes really powdery, and it’s just really good in summer. The laughing went on for so long I don’t even know where I was going with that.
Vashti: The thighs, rubbing.
Vicki: Yeah, so the thighs rubbing. But why was I talking about thighs rubbing?
Vashti: Because you had a parenting moment where you told your daughter that thigh gap was based on hips.
Vicki: Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know where I was going with that.
Vashti: That came from botty balm. Should we have botty balm?
Vicki: Yeah, should you have botty balm when you go out?
Andrew: What about wet bags, do you need wet bags?
Vashti: You always need wet bags.
Andrew: How many thousands of wet bags should you take?
Vashti: Well I have four in my bag pack today and I don’t even have kids in nappies. So… no, I don’t. I always have at least four with me, because I’ve got one for my coffee and one for my chocolate and one for my pads and…
Vicki: Really?
Vashti: Yeah, one for my laptop.
Andrew: One for your coffee?
Vashti: Yeah, my coffee sachets and my keep cup.
Andrew: OK. And your laptop?
Vashti: Yeah my laptop stays, it’s a double pocket one because it fits my Macbook in it, really nice in the back pocket and then I can put the charger in the front pocket. So the charger doesn’t scratch the laptop.
Vicki: Oh my gosh, scratching laptops, oh my goodness.
Vashti: Mind you, my laptop is a 2012 model, so it really doesn’t matter.
Vicki: But see, Andrew has this thing about you don’t put something metal on top of my laptop. And I asked him the other day, how many times have you actually, and he keeps the boxes too. How many times have you actually on sold your Macbook? None.
Vashti: He sold me his iPad.
Vicki: Yeah, but… OK, that’s one item out of the genius bar that we have at home. But the thing is, they all get passed down to the kids, so who cares?
Vashti: Do you know what I heard recently, is that your Apple boxes, like all the boxes from your iPhones and your Macbooks and your iPads and all that sort of stuff…
Vicki: You can cut them up.
Vashti: No, sell them. People buy the boxes for rip off products, or when they’re selling their product and they’ve thrown the box out.
Andrew: I’ve got thousands of dollars worth of boxes
Vicki: He really does, he is actually not joking.
Vashti: You can sell the boxes.
Andrew: Pretty sure I’ve still got my box from my first iPad, which is in my bedroom.
Vicki: I threw a box out at Christmas time. I think it was because, it was Arabella’s iPad that we were giving to Gabriel because he needed one for Grade 3. And I threw the box out, and the look on his face was.
Vashti: There’s $20.
Vicki: Just get rid of them.,
Vashti: Apparently they do it with Pandora boxes as well. I’ve just found this out over Christmas.
Andrew: What about snacks? What sort of snacks?
Vicki: Chocolate,
Vashti: It depends. Like are you feeding, or are you feeding your child?
Andrew: I’ve actually got written here snacks for both you and the baby.
Vashti: Well if you’re breastfeeding, always have some snacks for yourself.
Andrew: That’s a good idea.
Vashti: Nuts are really, really good if you don’t have an allergy.
Andrew: Special biscuits?
Vicki: Yeah, you can get lactation cookies, we’re going to be doing a video on those soon.
Andrew: On the special biscuits?
Vicki: No, on the breastfeeding cookies. I’m actually going to do a cooking video.
Vashti: Are you? this is something different.
Vicki: Let’s make it not always about nappies. I thought oh well, it will get me back in the kitchen, because that’s my fun place, as long as the kids aren’t there. You know, I actually made jam drops with Gabriel the other day, and I let him put the jam in.
Vashti: [gasps] No way!
Vicki: And it took three vodkas to do that.
Vashti: Oh, OK.
Andrew: Three strawberry milks is what I meant.
Vicki: Yes, three strawberry milks.
Andrew: That’s what I’m actually going to paste in there.
Vashti: But you can get lactation cookies or lactation balls or things like that, little nutrition balls and stuff, and they’re full of really, what’s the word I’m looking for?
Vicki: Protein.
Andrew: Cows milk?
Vashti: No. No cows milk. High protein things. So you know, a small mini wet bag full of mixed nuts is really good. So cashews and walnuts and almonds and stuff.
Andrew: Is that what you’ve got in one of your mini wet bags now?
Vashti: No, I don’t.
Vicki: No, because all of the snacks are sitting here on the table.
Vashti: But yeah, once you’re looking at snacks for your kids, it’s whatever you’ve got. So if your child likes carrot sticks, put carrot sticks in a bag. If your child likes popcorn, put popcorn in a bag. Whatever your child eats.
Vicki: Do you know what? You don’t really appreciate how easy it is to get out of the house without kids, until you have kids.
Vashti: Or how easy it is to get out of the house with a breastfeeding baby compared to a baby on solids.
Vicki: Yeah, true.
Vashti: Breastfeeding or formula, a baby on formula even.
Andrew: Because you’re already packed.
Vashti: Yeah, you are, you’re packed. When you’re breastfeeding, you’re packed.
Andrew: So let’s talk about travelling to another city, and this is a city that you can drive to. So what extra things would you need?
Vicki: A car.
Vashti: A car definitely helps.
Andrew: Borrow your neighbours car. Would you need more nappies?
Vashti: Well you’re going to need enough nappies to get you through for the period. If you’re going for a weekend, you could probably get away with just taking the nappies that you’re planning on using and washing when you get home. If you’re going away for a couple of weeks, you’d want to have enough nappies to get you through your regular wash cycle, as long as you’ve got access to washing facilities.
Andrew: So probably most of your stash.
Vashti: Most of it yeah.
Vicki: Well just depends.
Andrew: Some people have 50 nappies in their stash.
Vicki: Come on, most people have got 50 nappies in their stash.
Vashti: Fifty, nothing.
Vicki: Fifty is nothing.
Vashti: But yeah, no, it’s about, if you’ve got access to washing facilities if you’re going away, then it’s an every day thing. So a couple of large wet bags or whatever you’re using for your dry pail, if you’re able to. And enough nappies to get you through for your washing.
Andrew: Should you be anal enough to take your own washing liquid?
Vashti: Well you can if you want. But I don’t think that’s being anal, I just think that people use the washing detergent that they like washing with.
Andrew: Well the one they’re used to. You got to a friends place, using their washing liquid, yeah, it might not…
Vashti: Any washing detergent will work, absolutely any washing detergent will work.
Andrew: How many extra wet bags do you think you’re going to need? A hundred more?
Vashti: You always need 100 more wet bags.
Vicki: Yeah, probably just a big one to put all of your dirty nappies in.
Andrew: Yeah, depending on how long you’re away for, maybe two big ones. So here’s the big one…
Vashti: And your couple of small ones for out and abouts, and then your mini one for organising your cloth nappy bag, and all that sort of stuff. So wet bags, wet bags.
Vicki: Really the only difference is your just need something to contain a greater number of wet nappies. So I just say an extra big wet bag on top of what you’d normally take.
Andrew: So here’s the big…
Vicki: You’re obsessed with wet bags.
Andrew: I was just thinking to myself just then, we almost make more types of wet bags than we make types of nappies. Don’t we make four?
Vashti: Three.
Vicki: You obviously haven’t counted.
Vashti: The mini, the double and the extra large.
Andrew: And the pod.
Vashti: And the pod, I forgot about the pod. How do I forget about the pod?
Andrew: Four type of wet bags. So here’s the big one, travelling to another city by flying.
Vicki: I have warned about this. If you’re bringing back wet nappies, you’ll go over. Or you have to allow for that extra luggage.
Andrew: `You’ve got to wash them before you go.
Vicki: Pack it in the pram because your pram can go separate on a plane. So kind of stash it in there because you put it in a big bag anyway.
Andrew: That’s a good idea. We didn’t have a pram that time, did we?
Vicki: No, because he was too young. It was easier to wrap him. I suppose you could potentially do that with your car seat though, because we took our own car seat, and just kind of put the straps over the car seat straps, and then put it in the bag, because they don’t weigh those. But they do weigh your luggage.
Andrew: So here’s something you should think about with that, what about the amount of space you’ve got in your luggage? Say you’re going overseas, you’ve got a weight limit, how much you can take. What’s some sort of nappies that would be lighter that you could take lots of?
Vashti: Flats. Muslin flats. Muslin or birds eye cotton flats are the lighter option. And you know, they can be used in the folds. There’s hundreds of different folds. Vicki and I have both done videos on how to fold them and stuff. You can even just pad fold them. So bring all the corners in to make a smaller square and then fold it in three and lay it inside your covers. And you only need one cover for every four to six of those.
Vicki: Or here’s the thing. Disposables have their place.
Vashti: They do.
Vicki: And travelling is a perfect example of disposables and having said that, never ever, if you don’t use disposables at all, don’t use a plane trip as the first time to use them, because go with what you know. But also on the flip side, travelling with children is incredibly stressful. Incredibly stressful. I cannot tell you how stressful it is, even when they’re older. So you know, don’t put pressure on yourself unless you specifically… me, it was just what I did. I did cloth, I wouldn’t have even considered using disposables. But they certainly have their place. So don’t put the added stress of I’ve got to take all of these cloth and I don’t know how I’m going to fit them in, and I don’t know where I’m going to wash, and all of that sort of stuff. You can take the pressure off.
Vashti: There’s also things, you can get disposable inserts. Compostable inserts. Gro Via does a really nice one. Just throwing that in there.
Vicki: I’m not going to make one.
Vashti: Or Cushies used to do one, and I think there’s another couple of brands who do them as well, I can’t remember. I just know we’ve got the Gro Via ones at the shop.
Vicki: Weenies, Eenies.
Vashti: Eenies, Eenies do them, yeah. So they’re just a little pad, and they sit inside your cloth nappy shells. So if you’ve got all in twos, or if you’ve got your covers with your fitteds, flats and prefolds and stuff, you can just get some compostable one use inserts.
Andrew: You don’t have to worry about bringing them back, do you?
Vicki: No.
Vashti: The other thing though, especially if you’re travelling overseas, is whether or not you can take disposables there, or if you can get disposables where you’re going, because I know Vanuatu banned disposables, was it last year? Yeah, last year. Vanuatu has banned disposables. So technically, I’ve got to look into it a little bit more. I know that there was talk that you couldn’t even bring disposables into the country. Or if you did bring them in, you had to take them out with you, because they don’t have the facilities to be able to…
Vicki: Dispose of them.
Vashti: Dispose of them, and get rid of them.
Andrew: Actually the research I did for the next episode we’re recording, they said that 22% of their rubbish was disposable nappies. They want to do something about it. So good mixture of flats and [inaudible, 22:55] when you travel.
Vashti: We travelled, when Kylan was four months old, I went up to Darwin. So we were ten days in Darwin, I think it was. And when I was researching where to stay, I actually looked for a serviced apartment that had its own washing facilities in the apartment so that I could wash the nappies myself. Worked really well with three children. Getting an apartment, way cheaper than a hotel.
Vicki: As soon as you have more than four people in a hotel room, anywhere in the world, it causes trouble.
Vashti: Yep, but we had a, I just dropped back what I was carrying, and we had a carryon suitcase that was totally nappies. And that was, it had a couple of wet bags in there, it had all my nappies…
Andrew: Just a couple?
Vashti: Just a couple.
Andrew: Is that a couple in each suitcase?
Vashti: There was a couple in each suitcase, yes. But wet bags are great, I love wet bags. But yeah, we had a carry on suitcase that was just for nappies.
Andrew: I guess one thing to take into consideration too is how often you’ll be going out with the baby.
Vashti: Yeah, well we were out every day that we were there. We travelled down to, we hired a car while we were in Darwin, and we travelled down to Litchfield, so that’s like an hour and a half drive or something like that. Literally we were out every single day that we were in Darwin.
Andrew: Actually I also in the research found out that other countries are also considering banning cloth nappies. I mean disposable nappies.
Vashti: I hope they’re not banning cloth nappies.
Andrew: Banning disposable nappies. So check the country you’re going to and make sure they don’t have a ban on disposable nappies.
Vashti: There was some talk here in Australia. I don’t think they’re planning on banning it, but they are definitely talking about ways to reduce the amount of disposables that are used here. I know a few years ago we were filling the M.C.G. seven times over, every single year with the amount of disposables.
Andrew: So let’s take a step back. What about travelling to day care? What would you pack to travel to take a kid to day care?
Vicki: Depends if they’re doing a full day or not.
Andrew: The first thing I’ve got on here is instructions on how to put the cloth nappy on, because they might not always have the same person put their nappy on, nappies on every day.
Vashti: I know with Mikayla, I did up a little cheat sheet that sat on the wall above where they changed. And I would have two wet bags, so one would have all the clean nappies in it that went on the top of the change area, and the other wet bag got hung up, and they put the dirty nappies in that. I normally worked on have enough nappies for a change every two hours, and then an extra two to three nappies. And enough cloth wipes, plus an extra handful of them. Because we use cloth wipes at day care as well. But it’s really no different to just pack what you would be using at home, plus an extra couple just to be sure. And also be aware that because they do have floaters, or what they call floaters, so the staff that come in and cover lunches and things like that…
Andrew: That’s not the floater I was thinking of.
Vashti: No, that’s not the floater. I saw the look on your face. That’s not the floater. But yeah, the floaters are those staff that come through and cover lunch breaks and stuff. So those staff aren’t always going to know. So having, with Mikayla, we couldn’t use any of the main, well we couldn’t use any creams on her bum. She just didn’t react well to creams on her bum. Or bottom. Can I say bum?
Andrew: That’s OK.
Vashti: So yeah, they popped some Bepanthum on her one day, and she just flared right up. Whereas Braith had never had any problems with Bepanthum. It’s just Mikayla was highly sensitive. We couldn’t even use…
Andrew: Yeah, I remember one of our kids was a bit like that. Can’t remember which one.
Vashti: And the reason they put the Bepanthum on her is because they’d had a floater, well it was the same staff member. The floater had used a disposable wipe, because when I got the cloth nappy home that night, the cloth wipe was still sitting in the cloth nappy, and they thought it was a pad. Like it was part of the absorbency. Because I used to fold a cloth wipe into each nappy, so that when they pulled the nappy out, the cloth wipe was there ready to go for them and stuff.
Vicki: Oh wow.
Andrew: That’s organised.
Vashti: I was, I was very organised when I only had two children. And then I had number three, and bought a business, and now I’m not organised.
Andrew: Hey, you got here today.
Vashti: I did, I did.
Vicki: Even did I.
Andrew: OK, I think we’ll finish up with that. Thank you Vashti.
Vashti: Thanks, Andrew.
Andrew: Thanks, Vicki.
Vicki: Thanks, Andrew.
Andrew: Bye everybody.
Vicki Simpson is wife and mother to three children, and owner and founder of Bubblebubs. Vicki has been making and selling cloth nappies through her website for 16 years. Bubblebubs is now one of the most recognised and awarded cloth nappy brands in Australia, and is currently expanding to other countries. You can find out more and contact her through her website, Vashti Wadwell is mother to three children and has been using cloth nappies for 14 years. She is the owner of Australia’s first cloth nappy store, Nest Nappies, located in Brisbane, Australia. Vashti can be contacted through her website, If are finding the podcast helpful, and would like to make it easier for other parents to find, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. I am your host, Andrew Simpson.