Dealing with mould
Mould spores are present almost everywhere, but require the right conditions to thrive; A food source, moisture and time to grow. Unfortunately cloth nappies (especially in a humid environment) present those conditions in abundance. Following some simple steps will hopefully help prevent mould from growing on your nappies.
- Ensure all ‘solids’ are well rinsed off your nappies
- Wash your nappies as soon as possible (within 2 days) and avoid heavy rinsing and then leaving in a closed bucket or bag.
- Ensure your nappies are completely dry before you put them away (it’s important to watch this during particularly humid weather or on damp mornings/evenings).
- Regularly rinse your bucket with hot soapy water, vinegar or diluted Clove Oil (1/4 tsp Clove Oil with 1L of water in a spray – please note that it is not recommended to use Clove Oil while pregnant or around young babies).
- Wipe over your washing machine and detergent dispensers with diluted Clove Oil from time to time (especially if you’re machine has been closed for an extended period).
Many of our customers living in high humidity areas, wet pail over Summer or soak their nappies in their washing machine, as mould spores struggle to grow under water. There’s no need to add anything – plain water is fine. Be mindful that a bucket of water can present a drowning hazard, so keep it out of reach of your little one. It does also tend to smell so a lid is a good idea. If you prefer to continue dry pailing, an open airy basket, a swing top bin with holes drilled in the sides or even a large wet bag will allow air to circulate and stops your bucket from getting “sweaty”.
Cleaning Mould Stains
Stained nappies are still absorbent and can be used but you will need to kill off the mould spores before you tackle the stains and/or continue to use them. There seems to be limited information about the best way to do this but we suggest you hot wash (under 60degrees for shells or items with elastics. Inserts can be done at 90degrees) and do a one off vinegar rinse. A strip wash may also help remove any build up that is ‘feeding’ the mould. A small amount of diluted Clove Oil can be used to kill off mould spores (1tsp oil in 4L water) but be mindful that Clove Oil could irritate your babies sensitive skin.
Depending on how prolific, and how dark the mould spots are to get rid of the stains you can try mixing up a paste of bicarb and lemon juice and spreading it on the stain, letting it dry and then rinsing it off. Shannon Lush suggests soaking mould effected fabric overnight in 1kg of un-iodised salt diluted in a bucket of water, allowing to dry and then brushing off the salt ‘crusts’. Many people swear by soaking or spraying their stained items with diluted Miltons however you should be aware that vinegar, soakers and bleaches can damage the fabric, elastic and PUL of your nappies. Tuffy Stain Remover Soap has worked a dream for moving stubborn stains in the Nest house.
Whilst it is frustrating and disappointing to find little black spots all over your nappies, mould is not a manufacturing fault and our suppliers hold no responsibility to replace nappies or components that have been effected by mould or mildew.