Bedhead’s face masks are fashion-focused pollution masks. They are available in a range of designs and two different sizes to fit both children and adults. Made of woven cotton and jersey lining in go-with-everything colours and patterns, they’re soft and comfortable to wear. These masks will sit snugly around the nose, under eyes, side of face and jawline. Each mask features a pocket on the inside to hold the interchangeable PM2.5 carbon filter in place for the best protection against pollutants.
Why face masks?
Face masks have a wide range of uses but are often utilised by travelers, cyclists, urban residents, respiratory disease sufferers. Or anyone wanting to reduce exposure to potentially harmful pollutants such as smoke, pollution and dust. Bedhead’s masks were developed in the aftermath of the horrific fires which affected Australia in the summer of 2019/20.
Bedhead’s founder Richelle knows first-hand the impact of continuous smoke, after experiencing the destructive fires on her property in October 2019. Though her family was safely evacuated and her home saved by local RFS crews. Much of the expansive natural bush of her property was burnt out and the smoke pollution lasted for weeks after the initial fire, bringing to light concerns for her family’s health.
The idea of creating a range of masks for adults and children was cemented when Australia continued to burn throughout the summer. This sent the Air Quality Index (AQI) off the chart with ‘Hazardous’ levels reported for many areas most days. According to data from the NSW Department of Environment, Sydney experienced much higher rates of PM2.5 particles (tiny microscopic-sized particles) than the levels recorded in China and India at the same period – not what fresh air-blue sky loving Aussies are used to at all!
In the months following the bushfires, Bedhead have designed, tested, tweaked and put into production a range of masks that when used with filters, can help to reduce exposure to bushfire smoke, ash, dust and pollution.
The design
Like all Bedhead products, fit and comfort is a priority. The outer layers of the masks are made from 93% Cotton/7% Elastane – while the filter pocket is a softer cotton jersey which is gentle on the delicate and sensitive skin on the face and lips. Shaping has been carefully created to mould cleanly around nose, eyes and jawline. Differing greatly to surgical masks, there is very little gaping at the side of face area. For greater comfort, stretch lingerie elastic secures the mask over ears and is tightened with an adjustable toggle at the back of neck. This adjustability allows for the wearer to easily tighten the mask to suit their head size and face shape.
The filters
Each mask purchased comes with five PM2.5 carbon filters (which can also be purchased separately). When worn correctly, the mask and carbon filters filter out very fine particles from the air, helping reduce exposure to bushfire smoke/poor air quality and associated health effects. They are likely to offer a higher level in filtration of fine particles than a simple handkerchief or surgical mask. Each filter lasts up to a week if only used for quick visits into grab groceries whilst maintaining social distancing. Although with extreme usage in highly populated areas without adequate social distancing, the filters should be changed every 48-72 hours. While our face mask is washable, the filters are disposable after a period of use. Always make sure to wash hands thoroughly before inserting new filters and after removing/disposing used ones.
COVID-19 suitability
With new and often conflicting daily advice about the use of masks in relation to COVID-19, it’s no wonder so many people feel uncertain about what is the best practice. There is still so much to be learned and studied. Two very different current situations are this:
- The Australian Government Department of Health advice:
Most people will not benefit from wearing a surgical mask. Masks are of benefit to people who are sick so they don’t cough on others, and health care workers who have frequent, close contact with sick people. Link to full document. - The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advice:
CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (eg, grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. Link to website.
We know many people take comfort in taking every precaution they can for their health and that of their family. Therefore, what we can offer you is very detailed information on our product so you can make your own decision and choices.
Full disclosure: this product has not been tested by any government agency or healthcare official. It is a cloth face mask with a removeable filtration insert piece. If you are unable to sew a face mask yourself, this is a good alternative.
Best-health practices
The use of a facial mask can also help change natural behaviours that can contribute to the spreading of bacteria. Such as reducing the instances a wearer touches their mouth and eyes. A behavioural observation study of 23 medical students at the University of New South Wales found that they touched their faces an average of 26 times an hour. 44 per cent of the times that they touched their faces involved contact with mucous membrane including in the eyes and nose. Eww!
Before putting on any personal protective equipment it is essential that you perform routine hand hygiene. Effective hand hygiene can be performed by either washing with soap and water. Or an alcohol-based hand hygiene product when hands are not visibly soiled. With clean hands, insert the filter into the pouch. Wash the fabric mask daily after use – after removing the filtration insert with cleanly washed hands. Then simply warm machine wash with detergent and line dry.
Buy a Bedhead Face Mask and receive a five pack of PM2.5 Carbon Filters.
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