
Designer Bums additional insert set allows you to swap insert sets out when your little one has only done a wee or hasn’t soiled the shell of the nappy. Or allows you to get some dry inserts in a freshly washed nappy. For those days where the shell is dry, but the absorbency is still drying.

The set includes an anchor insert, and snap in booster insert. Each piece is 3 layers of the most absorbent custom milled bamboo with a vegan suede cloth topping to keep your bub feeling dry. The suede cloth topping also makes removing soiling easier, and is stain resistant.

The Designer Bums additional insert set may be used instead of or in addition to the insert set that comes with Designer Bums Art Pop All In Two cloth nappies to provide even more customisable boosting options. Will fit with most nappies universally.

Composition: Thirsty 420-450gsm bamboo cotton

If you are doing you are switching insert sets out and about, we would recommend either a mini wetbag or double pocket wetbag for storage. If using a mini wetbag, pop the additional insert set in the mini wetbag. When you need to do the change simply put the additional insert set into the nappy shell, and the soiled insert set into the mini wetbag. If you are likely to do multiple insert set changes while out and about, consider taking a double pocket wetbag. This way you can fit a few additional insert sets in the front pocket. Place any soiled insert sets in the main pocket. Cloth nappy-ing on the go is so easy once you start!